Toko's Trinkets!!!

Heyo, I'm [REDACTED] but you can call me Toko! I'm a teen who wants to make a difference by inspiring others with my creativity, experiences, and voice. I hope to serve my customers with quality products that they'll cherish!

"Life is like the ocean. Sometimes, it's calm and quiet. Other times, it's a giant tsunami wave. Just know that there's always a way to swim out of the current." -Myself

Commission status: Waiting...


I'm a Graphic/Web Design student! However, that doesn't stop me from thinking outside the box! Here are my projects I've worked on!


Rough Sketches, Character Concepts, Graphics: $5
Simple Doodles, Backgrounds, Characters, Reference Sheets, Emotes: $10
Busts, Most Objectsonas, Basic: $15
Complex Design w/ Basic Background, Basic Design with Complex Background, Half-body, Profile: $20-$25
Complex, Full-body, Logos: $30-$35
Website, Comic Panels, Collages, Writing: Might be based by hour (still unsure)
Custom: will be discussed individually

Payment Options

Here's the deal... I'm working with my web design teacher to receive the money. To do so, you need to go here and add the necessary values to match my prices for your purchase. From there, you go to cart and pay for your order like you would normally. The money will then go to the account that my teacher set up and it'll be stored there until I'm ready to claim it. This will be temporary until I get permission from my mom to have access to my bank account and/or until the school year ends.
Please make sure you contact me BEFORE you pay so I'm able to receive things such as your reference sheets, time frames, and other information I'll need in order to start your commission (and so it won't confuse my teacher.)

Contact Page

You can reach out to me via these platforms! Please be patient since I've got things outside of commissioning that need to be done. My timezone is PST. This may affect when I see your request.

My Commission Work

So far it's blank but that'll hopefully change.